In today's lesson, it was our first screening to our class. We where given the opportunity to show our first cut of our title sequence to our demographic audience. This is the first time we have shown or work so it was a nerve racking experience. The aim of this task was to make sure we new what needed tweaking, to enable use to get a highest grade as possible. The feedback from this task was very positive from both the target audience and also the class. My teacher said that the titles, typography and design where 'excellent', music track and performance where really good. The students comment where also good. Some said it had 'good pace' and also 'good use of diegtic sound'. Overall we where happy with this feedback but there where some improvements to be made. The initial music was to sinister for the film and did not quite work. Also the voice volume needs adjusting. Apart from that we need to shorten the film too. These are whet we need to do to improve our title sequence
Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Friday, 27 January 2012
Journal: 24/01/12
In todays lesson, we began to properly start editing as a group to get the final piece done. We where in the Mac room, a we decided who was editing and who where laying the title on the sequence. We managed to get a lot done in the lesson, and our teachers like the progress we where making. They had a few things they said that we had to change but overall, we had a good sequence. THis was a really beneficial lesson, for progress.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Journal: 20/01/12
In today's lesson we where able to keep on target and film the shots we planned to do in the previous lesson. This time we had all the group members there so we where able to get what we wanted done there and then. We also found that it was easier to shoot with a script aswell as a storyboard as the actors where able to know exactly when to say there lines. This avoid a lot of mistakes and kept us on track. With the help from our teacher, we where able to keep expanding and improving our intital ideas and therefore make our final title sequeces of a high standard. Overall this lesson helped use get back on track with the shotting stage and we hope to film over the weekend.
Journal: 19/01/12
In today's we where again editing, and experimenting with different timing so our sequence flows. Where using what we learn from the Final Cut Tutorial to edit our footage, and as the lesson progressed we got more confident with the software. Editing takes a long time, and can be quite time consuming so it was hard sharing the editing as both group members wanted to edit. We originally planned to do a reshoot of our opening scene, but because we where one group member down we were not able to do this. Instead we began to record the voice overs and addition voice clips for our sequence. We did this using the Quicktime voice recorder as it is easy to access and use. We had to record the different voiceovers done by the main protagonist (Ronald), which was very frustrating as our actor had no choice but to read the script of the page, which was hard for him to grasp. Overall I think we managed to use the time wisely and we hope to film in the next lesson.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Journal: 17/01/12
In today's lesson we took the time to look over the footage that we had and began to decide what needed to be re-shot and what was okay. We discovered that the shot we took when filming in our school location dead not look as good as we expected when edited together. We debated the possible reasons for this and settle on that we had to re-shot as soon as possible. The main part of the lesson was about how to use the editing software Final Cut Pro on the iMac's. We where given a basic principles tutorial to really get to grips with using it. We then got given the chance to start playing about with the software. I really enjoyed using the software as I was able to use it confidently when I left the lesson. Overall in the lesson I learnt exactly how important it is to get the right shoots but also how to use Final Cut Pro to edit our title sequence.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Journal: 13/01/2012
In todays lesson we had a first shooting session where we began to film the first few shoots for our title sequence. We began by first shooting the shots we had created on our story in order. This was working until changes had to be made to our film but also our storyboard. This due to new ideas from fellow group members and advice giving by our teacher. We where considering better ways that the original shots could be adapted to broadcast different meaning that could be interpreted in a easier way for audience members. This was our first real step in the production side of the coursework and we now know how hard it is to film but also how enjoyable it is.
Monday, 9 January 2012
Jornal: 06/01/2012
In today's lesson me and my group were focusing on getting all our pre-production work finished. We also finally finished our animatic which will gave us an idea of what the final title sequence will look like. We were also given the opportunity to plan our film schedule so we can began filming in the near future. I have really enjoyed completing all the pre-production tasks as its given me an insight of the film industry.
Friday, 6 January 2012
Journal: 05/01/12
In today lesson we finally finished our storyboard and also came up with the film name. At the start of the lesson we firstly began to finish the storyboards that we started on Tuesdays lesson. We where able to get a clear idea of what our final storyboard was going to look like. We also where given so brilliant advise from Shaun to add some extra shot to our film. This abled us to get a decent length final storyboard in which we where able to start colouring in. We where also discuss the results of the film title questionnaire (which was handed out to our target audience) so we could finally know the name of the film we are making a title sequence for. The chosen name for our film is 'Ronald: Grade 'A' Killer' which as a group we are very happy with.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Journal: 03/01/2012
In todays lesson we had a chance to put together a storyboard for our new black comedy. This was a key part of the film making process as everything on the storyboard will contribute to the final film. We had to consider the conventions of storyboards to insure that ours is professional and usable. Overall I think we go a step ahead in the process and we am very happy with the progress of our storyboard.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Journal: 09/12/2011
In today's lesson we decided to start think about what the title of the film is going to be. To this we had to think hard to come up with a far and easy way of get our target audiences opinion as we are trying to create a film that applies to them and what they would enjoy. After a long thinking process we decided to created a detailed questionnaire to be distributed among our chosen target audience which would supply use with the knowledge to move forward in the film making process. We decided to create a questionnaire on word to be printed off and then handed out in our class (full of 16-18 year olds) which would give use the information that we need. We now need to tally up the results and hope know what the chosen title will be.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Journal 08/12/2011
I today lesson we focused on getting a sold idea of what our film is about. We sat down as a group a bullet-pointed ideas (i.e. possible names for film, ideas for typography, title sequence ideas [all listed below]) to get a greater understanding of our idea. We started, also to look a the actual meaning of black comedies as our idea was starting to resemble a comedy horror which is far from what we wanted. Wikipedia says that black comedy 'is the type of humor. that still manages to be funny in the face of, and in response to, a perfectly hopeless situation. It arises from stressful, traumatic, or life-threatening situations, often in circumstances such that death is perceived as impending and unavoidable' this means that black comedy twists the response of something that is concided to be serioius. For example if some is about to stab somebody else, they discuss before hand how clean the knife is (Heathers 1981). From the break though of information we where able to come up with a new idea which worked really well and lead us to write a new plot/narrative (which is featured below). Overall this lesson has enabled us a a group to move forward and develop our ideas which could lead to an amazing title sequence.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Journal: 06/12/11
In todays lesson we where given the opportunity to get all our research done and posted on the blog. I took this time to finish my groups black comedy film pitch. I was able to take the knowledge learnt from the previous lessons to construct and informational filled pitch that is suitable to be presented to a production/distribution company. I did not get the opportunity to present the presentation in todays lesson but I am now prepared to give the pitch whenever I'm asked. From complete this pitch I was able to uses all the knowledge I have used overall the complete Media AS course, which I have really enjoyed. This stage of development and research is key as it helps give the foundations of a good film ready for an amazing title sequence.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Journal: 25/11/2011
In todays lesson we where looking at audience and institutions.The aim of the lesson was to be able to indicate how film distribution works and to begin to understand the difference between the US and UK film system. I believe that I have now enhanced my knowledge of the film industry from taking part in this lesson and it abled me to understand in great detail what distributors (i.e. Paramount Pictures) are and how they affect the way the film are presented to use as an audience. I will be able to take this knowledge and apply it to my own film when I make it.
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