Wednesday 18 January 2012

Journal: 17/01/12

In today's lesson we took the time to look over the footage that we had and began to decide what needed to be re-shot and what was okay. We discovered that the shot we took when filming in our school location dead not look as good as we expected when edited together. We debated the possible reasons for this and settle on that we had to re-shot as soon as possible. The main part of the lesson was about how to use the editing software Final Cut Pro on the iMac's. We where given a basic principles tutorial to really get to grips with using it. We then got given the chance to start playing about with the software. I really enjoyed using the software as I was able to use it confidently when I left the lesson. Overall in the lesson I learnt exactly how important it is to get the right shoots but also how to use Final Cut Pro to edit our title sequence.

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