Thursday, 8 December 2011

Journal 08/12/2011

I today lesson we focused on getting a sold idea of what our film is about. We sat down as a group a bullet-pointed ideas (i.e. possible names for film, ideas for typography, title sequence ideas [all listed below]) to get a greater understanding of our idea. We started, also to look a the actual meaning of black comedies as our idea was starting to resemble a comedy horror which is far from what we wanted. Wikipedia says that black comedy 'is the type of humor. that still manages to be funny in the face of, and in response to, a perfectly hopeless situation. It arises from stressful, traumatic, or life-threatening situations, often in circumstances such that death is perceived as impending and unavoidable' this means that black comedy twists the response of something that is concided to be serioius. For example if some is about to stab somebody else, they discuss before hand how clean the knife is (Heathers 1981). From the break though of information we where able to come up with a new idea which worked really well and lead us to write a new plot/narrative (which is featured below). Overall this lesson has enabled us a a group to move forward and develop our ideas which could lead to an amazing title sequence.

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