Thursday 8 December 2011

Notes: Film & Title Sequence Ideas

School Comedy

- Puberty
- Social Groups
- Uniform
- Dumb Blonde
- Other Teachers
- Nerds
- Stereotypes
- Class Room
- Restricted Locations


- Killing
- Weapons
- Blood/Gore
- Final Girl
- Frightening Place
- Misfits of Society
- Villain/Monster
- Social Slaying
- Hero

Idea Notes

- Morally Wrong
- Contrapuntal Sound of boy walking to school with fast cuts to brutal murders with screaming and blood
- Possible name similar to Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls
- Accident killing – Therefore has to kill suspicious teenagers or teachers.

Plot Outline

- Teacher and student role playing murder
- Nerd sees this and believes it’s a real murder and tries to hit the teacher’s. In a result to this he accidently kills the student and kills teacher because she is a witness.
- When people are suspicious he kills them.

Film Name Ideas

- Books, Babes & Brutal Murders
- Bod, Babes & Brutal Murders
- Books, Babes & Brutal Deaths
- Big Mistake
- Name of Character: Grade A Killer
- Secondary Psycho
- Secondary Scoundrel


- Woolwich Poly School
- Welling School

Death Ideas

- Deep fat fryer
- Pen in the eye
- Javelin
- Football goal
- Books fall on top of someone
- Electrocute
- Slip over on wet floor
- Freezer
- Chair
- Photo copier
- Keyboard
- Chemicals
- Bunsen Burner
- Piano

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